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Comprehensive Coverage

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Income Benefit Option


More Features

Minimum 18 Years

Maximum 65 Years

Maximum 70 years

Minimum Rs. 20,00,000

Maximum Rs. 60,00,000

Minimum 5 Years

Maximum 20 Years

Tenure Yearly

Minimum 5 Years

Maximum 20 Years

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Comprehensive Coverage

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Income Benefit Option

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Waiver of Premium Benefit

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Tax benefits under Sec 80D of Income Tax Act, 1961

Ageas Federal Life Insurance Heart and Cancer Shield Plan is a health plan covering multiple Heart and Cancer illnesses, with an inbuilt waiver of premium benefit. The Lumpsum amount paid shall help to cover multiple health based expenses. Additionally it offers an income option which shall act as a replacement option for your regular income on the occurrence of any major illnesses

On first Minor stage claim under the policy, the future premiums will be waived off for a period of 5 years or the remaining policy term, whichever is lower, starting from the next premium due date provided all due Premiums have been paid or waived till date and subject to the policy being inforce.

Survival Period of 15 days will be applicable for only Heart illnesses, No survival period applicable for Cancer claims.