Minimum 18 years
Maximum 60 years
Maximum 70 years
Minimum Rs. 5,00,000
Maximum No limit (subject to Board approved underwriting guidelines)
Minimum 10 to 30 years
Single Premium
Regular Premium: same as policy term
Minimum Annual, Half-yearly, Quarterly and Monthly
Multiple cover options
Flexibility in the policy term to suit your life stage
Flexibility in premium payment options to suit your wallet
Attractive discounts to encourage additional cover
Stopping your premiums or your policy
Ageas Federal Life Insurance Termsurance Life Protection Insurance Plan is designed with a host of benefits like Convenient insurance coverage options, flexible premium payment terms, choice of policy term and lots more. It also allows you to customise a plan as per your individual and your family’s needs and objectives, thus offering you a truly flexible protection plan.
The cost of this plan depends upon various factors such as age, annual income, basic sum assured, tenure of insurance coverage, health conditions, and whether you consume tobacco or not.
Yes, you can. There is no restrictions on the number of term plans one can purchase.
We strongly recommend that you get a cover that is sufficient to at least fulfil debt obligations such as outstanding loans for housing, education etc. The cover shall also take care of your dependents financial well being in case of your demise. Ideally, the sum assured should be at least 5 times of your annual income.