You have worked hard to fulfil your family’s needs and provide your loved one’s with a comfortable life, today, tomorrow, and always.
A comprehensive financial life insurance plan that ensures these dreams are fulfilled irrespective of an eventualities. It offers life
cover as well as guaranteed payouts to fulfil all your dreams.
Minimum Base plan: 0 years (91 days) Spouse Cover (if opted): 18 years (for both lives)
Maximum 60 years
Minimum 18 years
Maximum 75 years
Minimum 12 years
Maximum 25 years
Tenure 6/8/10/12/15 years
Minimum Yearly: Rs. 2,40,000 ; Half Yearly: Rs. 1,20,000; Monthly: Rs. 20,000
Maximum No limit, subject to Board approved underwriting policy
Yearly / Half-Yearly/ Monthly
Minimum Life Assured: Rs. 24,00,000; Second Life (If Spouse Cover is opted): Rs.2,40,000
Maximum Life Assured: No limit, Subject to Board approved underwriting policy; Second Life (If Spouse Cover is opted) : 5 times the Annualized Premium
Life Protection with Market linked returns
Cover option available for Spouse
Wealth Boosters
Loyalty Additions
Return of Charges on maturity
Choice of premium paying terms
Choice of Premium Payment Mode
8 fund options with unlimited switches
Smart withdrawal option through Systematic Partial Withdrawal
Tax Benefits may be available on the premiums paid and benefits received as per the prevailing tax laws.
Ageas Federal Life Insurance Platinum Wealth Builder is designed specifically to meet the needs of individuals who value exclusivity. As the name suggests, this exclusive plan is designed to build wealth with an attractive combination of life cover and investment options that helps in generating returns and ensuring peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are protected.
Ageas Federal Life Insurance Platinum Wealth Builder comes with a plethora of exclusive features. Enjoy the added security with spouse cover option and as a reward for your commitment to the plan, you can earn wealth boosters and loyalty additions to your premium paid, boosting your returns, and helping you achieve your financial goals even faster.
On death of Life Assured during the policy term, following Death Benefit shall be payable, provided all premium due till date are paid. Death Benefit shall be higher of sum assured less partial withdrawal or fund value.
On survival of the life assured till the date of Maturity, Fund Value (inclusive of Wealth Boosters, Loyalty Additions and Return of Charges) shall be payable on the date of Maturity, provided the policy is in force till that date.
Wealth booster are additional premium allocations that help you maximize your returns. Wealth Boosters of 2.0% of instalment premium shall be added to your fund at the time of allocation of premium from 6th policy year till end of premium paying term.