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Let’s Start Planning Your

Future Fearless Today!


Secure your family’s dream

Minimum 8 years

Maximum 50 years

Minimum 18 Years

Maximum 60 Years

Minimum Rs 15000

Maximum Rs 1 Lakh

Minimum 10 years

Maximum 15 years

Tenure Yearly

Minimum 5 Years

Maximum 10 Years

The above eligibility is for endowment option with Premium Payment Term 5 years and Policy Term 10 years .
UIN (135N050V04)
For more details on plan eligibility, please refer to the sales brochure.

Why this plan suits your needs


Why this plan suits your needs

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Enjoy guaranteed benefit irrespective of market conditions

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Choose to receive your benefits as a lump sum or as regular income basis your need

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Tax benefit may be available on the premiums paid and benefits received as per prevailing tax laws

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Flexibility to choose premium payment term and policy term of one’s choice


All your questions answered

If you choose the Endowment option at the inception, you will receive a lump sum payout at the end of policy term whereas if you choose the Income option you will receive regular income every year from the end of 6th year till end of the 10th year.

For income option, you will receive Guaranteed Annual Payouts (GAP) on survival of life insured till the end of each policy year, from end of 6th year till end of policy term i.e. 10th year, provided the policy is in force and all due Premiums have been paid to date.

You will receive Maturity sum assured (MSA) on survival of the life insured till maturity. This is defined as a percentage of the total annualized premiums payable and depends on age at entry of the life insured and the premium amount.


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