Ageas Federal Life Insurance

Guaranteed Lifetime Income Plan


This is what we offer with the plan

Immediate Life Annuity

Immediate Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price

Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price

Option of Return of Purchase Price on death.

Convenience of one time payment.

Option to receive monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly income payouts.

  • Benefits

    Survival Benefit

    1. Immediate Life Annuity

    Survival Benefit is the Annuity Payout payable in arrears throughout the lifetime of the annuitant. Annuity Payout will commence from first policy year as per Annuity Payout frequency chosen at inception. Annuity Payout is determined at inception and is guaranteed throughout the lifetime of the annuitant.

    2. Immediate Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price

    Survival Benefit is the Annuity Payout payable in arrears throughout the lifetime of the annuitant

    Annuity Payout will commence from first policy year as per Annuity Payout frequency chosen at inception. Annuity Payout is determined at inception and is guaranteed throughout the lifetime of the annuitant.

    3. Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price

    During deferment period of 5 years, no Survival Benefit will be payable.

    On survival of annuitant to end of deferment period, Annuity Payout will commence from sixth policy year payable in arrears throughout the lifetime of the annuitant.

    Annuity Payout will be paid as per frequency chosen at inception Annuity Payout is determined at inception and is guaranteed throughout the lifetime of the annuitant.


  • Benefits

    Death Benefit

    1. Immediate Life Annuity

    On death of annuitant, Annuity Payout will cease and no further benefit will be payable. On payment of death benefit, the policy will terminate and all rights, benefits and interests under the policy will stand extinguished.

    2. Immediate Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price

    On death of annuitant, Annuity Payout will cease and Death Benefit will be payable immediately. Death Benefit is same as Sum Assured on Death (Death Sum Assured). Death Sum Assured will be equal to 100% of Purchase Price(excluding the Goods and Services Tax and cess as applicable) paid at inception. On payment of Death Benefit the policy will terminate and all rights, benefits and interests under the policy will stand extinguished.

    3. Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price

    During the deferment period, on death of the annuitant, the nominee has the option:

    a) To utilize the entire proceeds of the policy or part thereof for purchasing an immediate annuity or deferred annuity from the same insurer at the then prevailing rate subject to product eligibility criterion. However, the nominee shall be given an option to purchase an immediate annuity or deferred annuity from another insurer at the then prevailing rate to the extent of percentage, as stipulated by the Authority, currently 50%, of the entire proceeds of the policy net of commutation.

    •Withdraw the entire proceeds of the policy.

    b) In case the proceeds of the policy are not sufficient to purchase minimum annuity as stipulated by IRDAI from time to time, the proceeds of the policy may be paid as lump sum. Post deferment period, on death of annuitant, Annuity Payout shall cease and Death Benefit shall be payable immediately to the nominee. Death Benefit is same as Sum Assured on Death(Death Sum Assured). Death Sum Assured will be higher of:

    • Purchase Price + Accrued Guaranteed Additions - Annuity Payouts paid till date of death

    • 110 % of Purchase Price Where,
    Guaranteed Additions = (Purchase Price x Annuity Rate)/12
    Guaranteed Additions will accrue at the end of every policy month during the deferment period. Guaranteed Additions will stop accruing at the end of the deferment period. Deferment period is fixed at 5 years. Purchase Price for this purpose will be Purchase Price excluding Goods and Services Tax and cess as applicable, paid at inception. Annuity Rate provided shall be based on Annuity Option, Age at Entry, Gender, Annuity Payout Frequency and Purchase Price.On payment of Death Benefit the policy will terminate and all rights, benefits and interests under the policy will stand extinguished.


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Know the eligibility for this plan

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  Minimum Maximum
Entry age(as on last birthday) Immediate Life Annuity and Immediate Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price - 45 years
Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price - 50 years
85 years
Purchase Price Rs. 1,50,000
(For each annuity option)
No Limit
Annuity Payout per instalment Rs. 1,000 monthly,
Rs. 3,000 quarterly,
Rs. 6,000 half-yearly,
Rs. 12,000 yearly
No Limit
Premium payment term Single premium
Annuity Payout frequency* Monthly/ Quarterly/ Half-Yearly/ Yearly

*Annuity Payout frequency has to be chosen at inception and cannot be changed later.

UIN: 135N073V03

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At the end of years

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