isuranceadmin's blog

Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy body and an active lifestyle. We all are aware of this, but did you know that it contributes equally to mental health and well-being?


A good diet and regular exercise are needed to keep the body and mind fit and for one to lead a healthy and happy life. But extreme dieting and over-exercising are what this generation seems to be obsessed with

Size zero, an hourglass figure, six-pack abs, a sculpted and clean-shaven body – this is what social media propagates and we are undeniably sold to it. We wish to look like our favourite celebrities and so start blindly following fad diets, extreme exercise regimes and even surgery options that seem to have worked for them.


The first job marks the beginning of a new phase of life – becoming financially independent. You have just made the leap from pocket-money to earning your own money. It is a new high and you are free to use your money the way you wish without worrying about the 'hard-earned money' gibe by parents.


Financial prudence is advocated at every stage of life but is of utmost importance during one’s retirement. Retirement is when an individual stops working to generate a regular flow of income. And while the income stops, the expenses continue as before and may even increase. So, to keep going, the individual either needs to manage from his or her savings or find some way to generate money without working. Either way, it is essential to be able to handle regular expenses as well as be prepared for any contingencies in life.


Term plans are pure protection plans that enable an earning individual to ensure financial security for their dependants in the unfortunate case that the individual is not alive to provide for them.

Term plans only cater to the condition of the life insured ‘not being alive’ and therefore not being able to provide for the family.


From the point in life where we start making sense of the world around us, we start getting trained to participate in the race of life. Little innocent beings undergo rigorous training for nursery interviews to bag admission in sought-after schools. And ‘competition’ in life starts. Hereon, it is a constant struggle to keep proving oneself to do well in life, as reiterated by teachers, dramatized by parents and emphasized by every self-proclaimed well-wisher. This ‘do well’ means ‘earn well’ in the modern-day lexicon. 


Seriously!! How can that be possible?

If one could lose weight by just sleeping, the multi-million-dollar fitness industry would not exist.

Well, to put it in perspective, sleep is one of the essential aspects of staying fit and healthy, the other two being diet and exercise. Sleep helps the mind and body finish their back-office corrective and restorative functions, so you wake up refreshed. And yes, since the body is up to work as you sleep, it does burn calories and consequently affects weight loss.


Offices have re-opened and most of us are back to the grind of daily commuting. The precious ‘me-time’ afforded by the work-from-home phase is now lost to extra hours at the office or on the road travelling to and from work.

And the one thing that most of us skip in our daily routine, citing the ‘lack of time’ excuse, is our fitness regime.

Also, with the virus scare slowly disappearing from our lives, the commitment to maintaining good health and a strong immune system seems to be dwindling. 


Summers are here and everyone is looking to shed some winter weight. A toned and sculpted body is a must to make the best use of your summer wardrobe. But the hot sun can make working out a drab process.

Here are a few tips to help you keep up with your fitness regime in a fun and healthy way during the summers:


When you work on any fitness plan for the body, you face ups-and-downs in the results. However, there comes a stage where you stop making progress. For example, if you are following a fixed exercise and diet schedule to achieve weight loss, this may work well in the beginning as you give your body a new challenge.



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